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  • isabelataylor7

Redrum, my friends.

It is October, friends. That means everything should be spooky and cold and in perpetual twilight. Unfortunately, I don’t live in the movie Hocus Pocus, but it’s fine. Because I have a solution. His name is Stephen King. Stephen King is my favorite author, which surprised me when I realized the fact. I was shocked because horror is not a genre I had previously associated with myself. Movies? Nope, not gonna watch them. But books? Bring it on.

So, today I am going to talk about The Shining. It was the first ever Stephen King book I read, and to this day it is one of my favorite books ever. The Shining is a great way to ease yourself into the horror genre (because let’s be honest, whodoesn’t know about redrum?), if you’re interested in it. It is the story of a down and out family in search of a new beginning that goes horribly wrong. We follow the story through the eyes of young Danny, which adds a certain level of charm to the story. The family relocates to the scenic Overlook Hotel during the winter months, which presents a unique set of challenges. As the mental faculties of the family deteriorate, Danny has to find a way to survive. The way King builds this cold, white world is attractive. It envelops you and keeps you until you finish the novel. And when it was over, I felt almost…forlorn. I didn’t quite know what to do with myself – I’d become attached not just to the characters, but with the back drop. I felt like I was beginning to know the hotel. What was I to do? Well, I watched the movie of course. And…well, there’s a reason King didn’t like it – but that’s an entirely different conversation.

It wasn’t until the next year that I realized there was a sequel. My boyfriend bought it for my birthday, and it was my annual Stephen King Christmas Read (yes – that is a thing I do each year and it rocks). Dr. Sleep follows Danny through adulthood. Normally, I don’t like stories that jump massively ahead in time, because I like to imagine what their futures would be after the happily ever after, but I enjoyed it this time. Much like The Shining, there is a blue overlay on this story that never quite finds the light. It interested me the way King weaves Danny’s past into his future, as he is apt to do in many of his stories. I am not going to talk too much about Dr. Sleep here because it’s hard not to give it away – and also the movie adaptation will be out next month (this one I am excited about)!

The long and the short of it is this: during October, when you’re dreaming of simpler but scarier times while you sip your PSL on your couch with your giant tartan scarf and your tiny dog (not hating here – my dog is five pounds of pure spoilt), pick up some Stephen King. Fall is the perrrrfect time to meet him. And if you get too scared, just put it in the freezer like Joey does.

Go read something spine chilling!

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